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I'm not dead! I'm just... Sleeping. Yeah, sleeping.

*Coughs* Um, yeah, sorry about the huge, gigantic freakishly long break. I'm not entirely sure how it happened, except that for some reason I keep waking up at 2:00pm...

Anyways, I'm feeling rather more... Together... Now, so hopefully it's back to your regularly scheduled program. ^^ Only problem being that I'm going to start making Sunday's strip an optional one - going back to University and all that this week so lack of time there - which means that CHI:BI is now for all intents and purposes a twice-a-week thing.


On the plus side, look! An extra-special, experimental new style of strip for this Sunday - just for you! Don't you feel special? ^_^ I think I'll be using a variant of this style throughout the rest of the comic, actually - since it cuts drawing time down by about a half, and, frankly, I just think it looks good. ^_-

Anyhoo - look for the next strip appearing... Er... Sometime. And we'll see if I can keep on top of things this time, hmm? ^^;

Well... Miracles do happen...

Permanent reminder: I'm back at University now, so bear with me whilst things are a little chaotic, 'kay? >_<

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